Districts. Toontown's Districts have been renamed! The Toon Council has come up with new district names that are easier to spell, more fun to say, and fit in perfectly with the wackiness of Toontown. Implemented SpeedChat-only Districts, which restrict the usage of SpeedChat+. These districts are marked with a green SpeedChat button. Disney's Toontown Online, commonly known as Toontown Online or Toontown, was a 3D massively multiplayer online role-playing game based on a cartoon animal world, developed by Disney's Virtual Reality Studio and Schell Games, published by the Walt Disney Company. 2013 August 21 - Toontown Wiki will remain Open While the news of Disney's Toontown Online closing its doors on September 19, 2013, Toontown Wiki will remain open and editable. Also, please remember to keep comments and blogs civilized and on topic.
Toontown Online Districts List
What is Toontown Relived?
Toontown Relived is a fan-made revival of a former online-game developed by Disney called Toontown Online. Toontown Online closed on September 19, 2013, but a couple of brilliant people in the community decided that they weren't ready to let Toontown go. Several other projects, including Toontown Relived, soon came into existence after that.
Why are there so many fan-remakes?
We believe that a lot of people have different views of what Toontown should be which is the main reason for the majority of these different types of revivals. There is no reason not to try them all though to get a different feel for what Toontown could of been had it never closed.
Will Toontown Online ever come back?
We certainly hope so! The main purpose of a lot of these fan-remakes of the original game is so that the community doesn't have to say goodbye to Toontown! There is word that the former creative director of Toontown Online, Jesse Schell, is interested in a full revival of the original game, but only time will tell what will happen with Toontown.
Can you restore a deleted Toon?
Send an email to [email protected] with the following information:
Deleted Toon Name, Account Name, Estimated Deletion Time, Toon Description.
You must send us a message from the email address you registered with. If you do not have access to it, see: Can I change my email?.
Can I change my email?
Send an email to [email protected] with the following information:
Toon Name(s), Account Name, Toon Description(s), Estimated Account Creation Date.
You must have had an account for at least a month to change your email.
How can I get my account unbanned?
Depending on the severity of your infraction, you can contest your ban by emailing [email protected]. A moderator, one who was not involved in giving you the infraction, will review your appeal and make actions accordingly.
Can I transfer my Toons?
At the moment, we do not allow Toons to transfer from one account to another.
I keep disconnecting. What's going on?
Toontown Online Districts Login
You've encountered a bug. These nasty creatures lurk Toontown willing to crash anyone they come in contact with. While we monitor all crashes, there are a few that have a possibility of evading our systems. What you can do is email [email protected] with a log file.
Here's how to get a log file:
Go to: C:Program Files (x86)Toontown Relivedlogs
Log files are named as such: relived-YYMMDD_HHMMSS.
A log file for June 2, 2019 at 1:24:12 PM would be labed as: relived-190206_132412.
The district reset. What do I do?
Toontown Online Districts Free
Unfortunately, it's no use sending a log file to the support email for district resets. What you can do instead is email us what you were doing when the district reset. While it might not be directly linked to the reset, anything helps! We keep a close eye on district resets and make our best attempt to update the game to fix them.
I'm stuck running in place. Help!
Toontown Online Districts 2017
You've encountered a softlock. Please send us an email letting us know how you got there.
Toon Tip: If you are running to doors and they are softlocking you, the district has encountered an error and may cause further issues. Please email support as soon as possible.