Project Altis is a private server for Disney's now defunct MMO-RPG, Toontown Online.
Toontown Rewritten is a free-to-play revival of Disney's Toontown Online. Create your own Toon and join the battle to save Toontown from the evil robot Cogs. Play now for FREE!
Toontown Online Source Code Viewer
Toontown Online Source Codes
This source code contains various exploits and vulnerabilities, it is not intended for use.
Toontown Online Source Code Control
This source code was completely depricated in March of 2016, and hasn't been used since.
This is now going public and archived due to it's un-used nature.
Toontown Online Source Code Repositories
Feel free to use it as a reference for learning.
You are more than welcome to use any source code from this repository under the conditions of it's License.
- A copy of the license must be present and the works must be under Apache 2.0
- A list of changes must be listed.
- A note in regards to the usage of this repository must be noted.
Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the 'License'); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an 'AS IS' BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
Toontown Cheat Codes
- nout = MultiplexStream()
- loadPrcFileData(', 'framebuffer-multisample 1' )
- loadPrcFileData(', 'notify-level info')
- loadPrcFileData(', 'default-directnotify-level info')
- #loadPrcFileData(', 'want-directtools #t')
- ConfigVariableString('default-model-extension', '.bam').setValue('.bam')
- from direct.gui.DirectGui import *
- from direct.distributed.ClientRepository import ClientRepository
- from direct.showbase.InputStateGlobal import inputState
- from direct.showbase.DirectObject import DirectObject
- from direct.distributed.PyDatagram import PyDatagram
- from direct.distributed.PyDatagramIterator import PyDatagramIterator
- from direct.distributed.ClockDelta import globalClockDelta
- from direct.distributed import DistributedSmoothNode
- from toontown.toonbase import TTLocalizer
- from toontown.toonbase import ToontownGlobals
- from direct.directnotify.DirectNotify import DirectNotify
- FONT = loader.loadFont('phase_3/models/fonts/ImpressBT.ttf')
- wp = WindowProperties()
- MODEL_ANTIALIAS = AntialiasAttrib.MAuto | AntialiasAttrib.MBetter
- ''
- class ToontownExplorer_ClientRepository(ClientRepository):
- notify = directNotify.newCategory('ClientRepository')
- def __init__(self):
- ClientRepository.__init__(self, dcFileNames=dcFileNames)
- notify = directNotify.newCategory('ToontownExplorerClient')
- def __init__(self):
- = ToontownExplorer_ClientRepository()
- successCallback=self.connectSuccess,
- def connectFailure(self, statusCode, statusString):
- self.notify.warning('Couldn't connect to server: %d, %s' % (statusCode, statusString))
- def connectSuccess(self):
- self.acceptOnce('gotTimeSync', self.gotTimeSync)
- DistributedSmoothNode.globalActivateSmoothing(1, 0)
- self.acceptOnce('createReady', self.createReady)
- def createReady(self):
- print 'toon coming soon'
- base.gamec = ToontownExplorer_Client()
- ''
- from tts.shtiker import ShtikerBook
- from tts.shtiker import MapPage
- from tts.shtiker import InventoryPage
- self.optionsPage.load()
-, pageName=TTLocalizer.OptionsPageTitle)
- self.shardPage = ShardPage.ShardPage()
-, pageName=TTLocalizer.ShardPageTitle)
- self.mapPage = MapPage.MapPage()
-, pageName=TTLocalizer.MapPageTitle)
- self.inventoryPage = InventoryPage.InventoryPage()
-, pageName=TTLocalizer.InventoryPageTitle)
- #self.fishPage = FishPage.FishPage()
- #self.fishPage.load()
-, pageName=TTLocalizer.FishPageTitle)
- from tts.hood.HoodManager import ZoneManager
- def __loadToon(self):
- self.localToon.buildFromDNA(['t', 'm', 'r', 'ss', 26, 'l', 26, 'm', 26, 0, 0, 'Clyde the Hacker'])
- from toontown.gui import LaffMeter
- self.laffMeter = LaffMeter.LaffMeter('t', 35, 35)
- self.laffMeter.setScale(0.075)
- if 'monkey' or 'pig':
- else:
- self.laffMeter.start()
- def loadGame(self):
- self.__loadToon()
- self.__loadBook()
- = ToontownExplorer()
- friendsGui = loader.loadModel('phase_3.5/models/gui/friendslist_gui')
- friendsButtonNormal = friendsGui.find('**/FriendsBox_Closed')
- friendsButtonPressed = friendsGui.find('**/FriendsBox_Open')
- friendsButtonRollover = friendsGui.find('**/FriendsBox_Rollover')
- bFriendsList = DirectButton(image=(friendsButtonNormal, friendsButtonPressed, friendsButtonRollover), relief=None, pos=(1.192, 0, 0.875), scale=newScale, text=(', TTLocalizer.FriendsListLabel, TTLocalizer.FriendsListLabel), text_scale=0.09, text_fg=Vec4(1, 1, 1, 1), text_shadow=Vec4(0, 0, 0, 1), text_pos=(0, -0.18), text_font=ToontownGlobals.getInterfaceFont())
- global text
- import Tkinter as tk
- root = tk.Tk()
- root.title('Toontown Explorer Developer Injector (From Toontown House)')
- global text
- text = tk.Text(frame,width=70,height=20)
- text.insert(1.0,')
- text.pack(side='left')
- tk.Button(root,text='Inject!',command=runInjectorCode).pack()
- scroll.pack(fill='y',side='right')
- text.config(yscrollcommand=scroll.set)