The Top Ten Reasons Why Toontown Rewritten Is Better Than Club Penguin


Toontown Rewritten is the most proper version of Toontown Online itself with several great small additions and changes.: ) Toontown Infinite is just horrible, it introduced a lot of dumb changes and I heard that it isn't very trustworthy because of virus in the launcher and team got people that used to ruined Toontown Online days.

Toontown Rewritten is free

Honestly the fact that it's free beats club penguin by a far amount.

Every game is better than club penguin

Well club penguin TECHNICALLY is free, but you need to spend 20 bucks for a membership just to do anything fun...And it only lasts for a month.

It's the exact thing like tto just minus the doodles and those street animations in the streets but we know they will implement that in the game soon

2Toontown Rewritten is fun and there is always people online. Club Penguin Is boring and it's deserted

Toontown has more population and it's fun. Club penguin is boring and there's basically - Gamecubesarecool193

At least Club Penguin was popular all over the world, while ToonTown is just American.

There's always people on Toontown Rewritten. Therefore, it's the laggiest game I've ever played in my whole life.

As Club Penguin shut down, I'm pretty sure there's more people who play CP as Club Penguin Rewritten exists.

3Club Penguin Sucks

Yeah. You need to pay like 30 dollars for a crappy membership.

Toontown rocks. Club penguin sucks! - Gamecubesarecool193

I'm sorry to say this (voice gets all deep and serious) but saying 'Club Penguin Sucks' is not a valid response. (voice stops getting all deep and serious)…and anyway, what would it suck? Fish? - BlueTopazIceVanilla


4Toontown rewritten has more than 1 Species

You can be a cat, dog, rabbit, etc. There's more to choose from. - Luxam

Toontown has more species while club penguin only has 1. Ik it's called club penguin, but 1 species is worse than more than 1! - Gamecubesarecool193

Puffles, polar bears, crabs, fish etc.

5Toontown has enemies you can fight

Their is still Herbert and other villains

*cough, cough* Herbert P. Bear *cough, cough*

Club penguin has no enemies while Ttr has enemies which makes it harder but more fun. - Gamecubesarecool193

6Club Penguin wastes your time

I really do not agree. Club Penguin is really fun and you can do lots. $4 isn't much for 31 days of lots of fun. You need to check your facts

ToonTown Online can use up your time as well. Anything can use up your time. Argument invalid.

It's boring. Ttr is fun. - Gamecubesarecool193

7Toontown had better pets

The Puffles have improved a lot in 2011.

Doodles are better than Club penguin puffles. Club penguin has puffles that look ugly. - Gamecubesarecool193

8Toontown has better mini games than club penguin

Club penguin mini games suck! They aren't even cool! - Gamecubesarecool193

TTR games are challenging, but they're much more fun. - Luxam

Cart Surfer, Pizzatron 3000 and Card-Jitsu are the best Club Penguin minigames.

9Club Penguin has no Objective

You can fight cogs, Get to a high laff in Toontown, but Club penguin just has you stand around until something cool comes out.

10Toontown is 3D

Toontown is 3D and for a 2003 Game, it has good graphics. Club penguin looks like it is designed by a 5-year-old child.

No it wasn't. The design of a five year-old's game couldn't get any close to Club Penguin. You don't know what you're talking about.

So Superman 64 is better than Super Mario World?

The Contenders

11Toontown's Gags

Throw gags are my favorite. - Luxam

Gags are used to fight cogs, and you get XP every time you use 1. Get enough XP and you get newer, better gags. You can even get level 7 gags which are the strongest gags available, but every time you use one, they are gone and you have to get them back by getting 500 XP, and it's like that over and over. - Gamecubesarecool193

12Toontown has fishing

Shut up, toontown has better fishing. Your just a fanboy. - Gamecubesarecool193

Um. Club Penguin has ice fishing.

If you were smart, Club Penguin does have fishing.

*cough, cough* Ice Fishing *cough, cough*

13Toontown is for a variety of ages

Take cogs for example, all of their business humor is directed at adults. Older players can enjoy the challenges of boss battles, and be ones can explore the vast, colorful landscape! Club Penguin is a blank tundra, with NO objective or reason to come back. Only children are usually interested in this 'MMORPG' that Club Penguin claims to be.

At least Club Penguin was popular all around the world, while your 'godly' ToonTown is only centered in America. - coolgamert

At least Club Penguin was popular all around the world, while your 'godly' ToonTown is only centered in America.

Ugh club penguin was boring and had nothing to do. As a teen I can enjoy Toontown.

I think the most adult thing in club penguin was mancala. And who here remembers mancala? That's right: no one.

14You don't need membership for everything

That's Club Penguin Island. Not the orginal game.

15Toontown doesn't have crappy chat filters

At least you can type numbers (*sigh* ROBLOX *sigh*) - Maddox121

Actually, in TTR, just misspelling 1 word causes the word to become censored. But at least you don't get auto banned if you say something like that.

Club Penguin has horrible chat filters.
In Toontown, even standard Speedchat is better.

Toontown Online Vs Toontown Rewritten Account

16Toons resemble their actual species more than penguins

Real penguins aren't triangular with huge eyes like in club penguin. At least toontown shows better facial features of the toon using furry texture, ears, and paws.

It's actually the other way round.

Sonic doesn't really look like a hedgehog, and people still like him. Get a life, ToonTown fanbrats.

17ToonTown has much more in customization.

Toontown Online Vs Toontown Rewritten 2

If you were to play club penguin, obviously you would only get to play as a penguin. The color choices in skin color are kind of limited. Yes, I know that there may be some really cool outfits, but that doesn't help that much. Plus, you can't really change the body of your penguin. ToonTown, on the other hand, has much variety in the animals you can choose, like cats, dogs, deer, and crocodiles! You could also change up the way the character's body looked. You could have a tall body and short legs, a short body and tall legs, etc. You could even change up the way the face looked! There was also much more choices in skin color AND the colors of your clothing.

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Toontown Online Vs Toontown Rewritten Codes

List Stats

Top Remixes (4)

1. Club Penguin has no Objective
2. Toontown has enemies you can fight
3. Toontown is 3D
1. Toontown Rewritten is free
2. Toontown Rewritten is fun and there is always people online. Club Penguin Is boring and it's deserted
3. Club Penguin Sucks
1. Toontown Rewritten is fun and there is always people online. Club Penguin Is boring and it's deserted
2. Toontown Rewritten is free
3. Club Penguin Sucks

Toontown Online Vs Toontown Rewritten Games

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